Offer for senior woman - popular treatments
Gynaecological consultation
Every woman who seeks to improve their intimate comfort or suffers from health problems related to the reproductive organ, its anatomy or proper functioning can come for gynaecological advice in terms of aesthetic medicine. The gynaecologist carries out thorough diagnosis (along with an ultrasound or cervical screening test) and proposes a treatment method or a procedure to remove the annoying symptoms. At DER-MED Centre, gynaecological consultations are carried out by an experienced and qualified gynaecologist. The most common problems reported by our patients are the condition of the reproductive organs after giving birth, stress urinary incontinence, recurring infections or the asymmetry and deformation of the labia. In each of these cases, we offer minimally invasive, almost painless and safe treatments that eliminate these symptoms. A fast analysis and diagnosis are key to complete recovery and restored comfort of living as well as proper self-esteem.
Urinary incontinence laser treatment
Urinary incontinence is an embarrassing problem that is often neglected. It is estimated that one in four women is suffering, has suffered or will suffer from urinary incontinence. Therefore, it can be considered a common problem. Only 25% of the women tell their doctor about the problem, while 40% decides to consult a doctor only after 5 years from the onset of the condition. Urinary incontinence can affect every one of us, regardless of age. One of the causes of this problem is the sensitivity of the female reproductive parts to hormonal changes (pregnancy, childbirth, menopause). There are three types of urinary incontinence: • Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) resulting from the insufficiency of the apparatus that closes the urethra or the excessive mobility of the bladder neck; • Urge incontinence resulting from the increased activity of the detrusor urinae muscle or decreased elasticity of the bladder wall; • Mixed incontinence is a combination of the symptomatic profiles of both types of urinary incontinence.
Laser labiaplasty, labial correction
Minor labia hypertrophy or labial deformation caused by a difficult childbirth lead to discomfort, pain, recurrent infections or reduced intimate comfort for many women. Intimate health is treated as a taboo for many women. It should not be like that. Thanks to medical advancements, many intimate problems can be solved. Effective laser procedures have been used in aesthetic gynaecology for many years. These include laser labiaplasty. This procedure is dedicated to women who suffer from labial hypertrophy. This single procedure allows you to restore your sexual comfort during intimate encounters and boosts your self-esteem. Laser labiaplasty has already been used by thousands of women and they all agree that the procedure is simply effective! Come for a labiaplasty procedure to Der-Med Centre in Cracow.
Badanie USG (ultrasonografem)
Badanie USG (ultrasonografem) jest jednym z najbardziej podstawowych badań diagnostycznych.
Blepharoplasty – droopy eyelid repair
The excess skin on the eyelids makes your face look not only older, but also more fatigued, while in some cases it restricts the field of vision. A solution to this problem is blepharoplasty. It is a surgical procedure that eliminates the problem of droopy eyelids. Blepharoplasty, also referred to as eyelid lift, involves removing excess skin from the upper eyelids. It is dedicated to all people who suffer from drooping eyelids. Thanks to the laser technology combined with a precise scalpel, the procedure is minimally invasive and safe and brings permanent effects.
Laserowe odmładzanie i usuwanie defektów skóry
Laser frakcyjny do odmładzania i usuwania defektów skóry posiada dwa współpracujące ze sobą moduły: "profractional” oraz „micro peel” (peeling laserowy złuszczający naskórek), które wzmacniają wzajemnie skuteczność i powodują, że efekty widoczne są już po pierwszym zabiegu. Zintegrowanie obu funkcji pozwala na opracowanie indywidualnego programu leczenia i dostosowania go do potrzeb pacjenta tak, aby oddziaływał na konkretną dolegliwość: zmarszczki, blizny, zrogowacenie naskórka czy też zaburzenia pigmentacji. ZASTOSOWANIE lasera frakcyjnego: <ul> <li>wyrównanie faktury skóry i wygładzenie zmarszczek,</li> <li>usunięcie blizn potrądzikowych, poparzeniowych i pooperacyjnych (np. blizna po cesarskim cięciu, po operacjach plastycznych, po operacji wyrostka),</li> <li>naprawienie i wzmocnienie włókien kolagenowych,</li> <li>usunięcie plam i przebarwień,</li> <li>korekcja rozstępów i regeneracja skóry,</li> <li>usunięcie pojedynczych zmian skórnych (kurzajek, włókniaków, brodawek,</li> </ul>
Porady dermatologiczne
Centrum DER-MED zaprasza do konsultacji lekarskich, gdyż możliwości jakie daje nam współczesna medycyna jest tak wiele, że czasami trudno samemu określić co jest dla nas najlepsze. Nasi lekarze służą radą i pomocą wtedy kiedy sami mamy wątpliwości z jakiego zabiegu spośród bogatej oferty powinniśmy skorzystać. Centrum DER-MED oferuje Pacjentom szerokie leczenie dermatologiczne, od porad po laseroterapię. <span style="font-weight: 400">Każdy Pacjent otrzymuje szczegółowe porady niezależnie od problemu, z jakim się boryka. </span> <span style="font-weight: 400">Zapraszamy do wcześniejszego ustalenia terminu wizyty, tak aby nasz dermatolog mógł poświęcić Państwu maksymalny czas potrzebny do ustalenia indywidualnego schematu leczenia, co jest gwarancją uzyskania zadowalających efektów po każdym z oferowanych przez nas zabiegów. </span>
HIFU face and body lifting
ONE PROCEDURE – a spectacular and long-lasting rejuvenation effect thanks to the groundbreaking HIFU technology – precise high intensity focused ultrasound. The concentrated energy deeply penetrates the skin and, in the target site within the tissue, initiates processes that generate heat of up to 65°C. This leads to microdamage that stimulates and rebuilds the connective tissue, which results in intensified regeneration and repair processes. The entire lifting procedure is non-invasive, safe and effective. Surgical precision without a scalpel, epidermal damage or painful recovery. This gives a natural and long-lasting effect of firmed and regenerated skin and, as a result, rejuvenated and reshaped face oval. Isn’t it exciting? Enormous power of reconstruction, gravitational wrinkle reduction and face lifting – without damaging the epidermis! The first effects are visible directly after the procedure, but this is only the beginning of the repair process – the maximum lifting effect comes after 3 months. This procedure can be performed all year round without preventing you from your everyday life. The possibility to work on 6 different depths of the SMAS layer, on the face and the body, allows for maximising the effect by precisely choosing the appropriate protocol for the thickness and condition of the skin, as well as the treatment site.
Gynaecological consultation
Every woman who seeks to improve their intimate comfort or suffers from health problems related to the reproductive organ, its anatomy or proper functioning can come for gynaecological advice in terms of aesthetic medicine. The gynaecologist carries out thorough diagnosis (along with an ultrasound or cervical screening test) and proposes a treatment method or a procedure to remove the annoying symptoms. At DER-MED Centre, gynaecological consultations are carried out by an experienced and qualified gynaecologist. The most common problems reported by our patients are the condition of the reproductive organs after giving birth, stress urinary incontinence, recurring infections or the asymmetry and deformation of the labia. In each of these cases, we offer minimally invasive, almost painless and safe treatments that eliminate these symptoms. A fast analysis and diagnosis are key to complete recovery and restored comfort of living as well as proper self-esteem.
Henna, regulacja brwi
Henna - niby nic, a jednak zmiana w wyglądzie twarzy jest duża. Spojrzenie staje się wyraźniejsze, bardziej podkreślone. Hennę można także wykonać na rzęsach by całe oko było wyraźne. Nie ma wtedy konieczności podkreślania oka makijażem.
Makijaż permanentny brwi techniką Ombre Brows
Toksyna botulinowa - zmarszczki mimiczne
Toksyna botulinowa, nazywana potocznie botoksem, jest jednym z najbardziej powszechnych preparatów używanych w medycynie estetycznej. Jej zadanie polega na niwelowaniu zmarszczek mimicznych, które pojawiają się na naszej twarzy.